A Demonstration Site

This demonstration web site was created entirely from within Adobe Lightroom 3 using the new Impact "Web Site Publisher Pro" plugin from the Photographer's Toolbox.

This series of plugins allow photographers to create an entire web presence with greater easy that has ever been possible from within Lightroom before.

Users may design the look and feel of their entire site along with the content of pages such as this one using Lightroom's Web Module. The publishing of a finished site then done from the Library module - fully integrated with the Publish Services, it's incredibly simply to create a hierachy of galleries using collections and collections sets, and to then incrementally publish new images as and when required.

Extra Pages

You can create up to six menu items, and each one can be linked to either an external site or else a page such as this one. Text is entered in Markdown format so it's very easy to add advanced formatting.