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Q: Why does the unregistered notice still appear in the metadata panels after entering the registration code?
A: The unregistered notice remains present until Lightroom is restarted or the plugin is reloaded using the Plug-in Manager dialog. Once you have entered the registration code and taken either of these actions the unregistered notice will disappear.

Q: Why aren't the GPS fields editable?
A: The fields available in panels are defined by Adobe's Lightroom team and don't currently include editable GPS fields. If you wish to edit your GPS data I recommend either using Lightroom 4, which introduces a new Map module for managing GPS data, or use Jeffrey Friedl's GPS-Support Geoencoding Plugin for Lightroom which adds a number of features for working with and editing GPS data in images.

This is a donationware product. To unlock the full functionality the author requests that you make a donation to support future development.

Payments may be made via Credit Card or PayPal, and are securely processed via our payment partner - Paddle.

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