Custom field names can now have a suffix to make them easier to identify
Bug in Load Preferences which prevented selecting a file
Moved reset settings into own section
IPTC Extension fields regrouped
Change Log formatting improved
Button to view Change Log in browser
Plugin Manager sections reorganised
User can choose size of multi-line boxes in Plugin Manager, Other Options, Box size
Changed x/y bezel now reports fields
Bezel display checkbox in main dialog
Version 2.3, 2 Apr 2024
In Folders, items hidden in stacks are included in Search Replace Transfer and Workflow Filters
Added Software field to Workflow Filters
Moved right hand columns and library filters into navigation panel
Fixed bug where user disables custom fields while they are a target field
In Plugin Manager, added a button to export Quick Access URLs to an HTML page
New Quick checkbox allows Workflow Filters to be run only on the field being searched and replaced so Library Filter
Tidied up UI translation
Refined handling of accented characters when converting to upper or lower case - this is incomplete
Workflow Filter exposure bias corrected
Processes items hidden in stacks (folder views only)
New checkbox to enable auto completion of search and replace text
Version 2.2.2, 3 Aug 2023
Source and target field menus now list all dates together
OS time modified and created now show a time rather than full date
Added Profile field to Workflow Filters
Refined Camera Profile calculation to include undocumented Look parameter
Refined grid navigation widget
Library Filter buttons translation error bug
Locations to Keywords bug fixed
Version 2.2.1, 7 July 2023
Bug affecting Workflow Filters line 134
Version 2.2, 6 July 2023
Library Filter shows fields linked to the Workflow5 fields
Added Exposure Bias to Workflow Filters
Caption Builder can now write to title, headline, instructions and custom fields
Caption Builder main box now remembers previous settings
Added count of AI masks to Workflow Filters
Added count of AI spots to Workflow Filters
Collection Builder tab restored optionally
Refined transfer to keywords dialog box
Extra options to transfer path to keywords
LR12+ Workflow Filters option to rename masks to "Lin -Rad" etc. Feedback appreciated.
Workflow Filters can now delete JPEG sidecars for selected raw files
Added crop ratio to Workflow Filters
Version 2.11, 21 Apr 2023
Bug on first installation (workflow 5 fields)
Version 2.1, 19 Apr 2023
Layout changes on main dialog box
Restored the locations->keywords buttons on a new Workflow filters tab
Can now set default world region
Change world region for all selected photos
Workflow Filters has new fields for Location Shown / Created
Workflow Filters can now populate Location Shown / Created fields from IPTC Loation fields
Library Filter presets for Workflow Filters included in plugin and can be installed through Plugin Manager
Plugin Manager now has separate Location Filters section
Version 2.0, 6 Mar 2023
New workflow filter field for caption length (stock submissions)
Introduced shortcut to launch main dialog lightroom://
For other shortcuts, see section Quick Access
Automatically change Library Filter columns after running Refresh Workflow Filters
Removed plugin Month and Day fields (LR11+ only)
Cosmetic changes
Added ISO country code as searchable field
Added Instructions as searchable field
Added Source as searchable field
Caption Builder can add conditional text by inserting second : in field code
Added sources (folders, collections) to Transfer from fields
Added count of AI Masks to Workflow Filters
Version 1.74, 9 May 2021
Moved caption and other major IPTC fields up
Reorganised to-keywords panel and added capitalised option
Search autocomplete now includes previous search terms
Added autocomplete to replace with
New button allows user to manage Search autocomplete terms
Version 1.73, 15 Mar 2021
Added snapshots to fields
Transfer of fields to keywords has ~ before plugin name
Version 1.72, 3 Feb 2021
Fixed bug preventing Camera Model field from being used
Added simple IPTC Extension fields to target fields
Adjusted custom field label widths in Plugin Manager
Version 1.71, 21 Oct 2020 build 36
Replace can insert line breaks
Search cann look for line breaks
Version 1.70, 15 July 2020
On Replace tab, new option to replace all except the last x characters
New field preservedFileName added in SDK 9.0
Extra translations added for Italian, German, French
Option to preserves sequential number on Append tab
Workflow Filters tab removed and all buttons replaced with options on Transfer tab under the Specials menu
Transfer tab option when copying from path to keywords - can now eliminate some parent folders
Caption builder has a cleanup option which removes blank lines and commas
Caption builder can automatically add a line break after each
Caption builder favourites can now replace or add to the existing codes
Caption Builder IPTC, EXIF and Other dropdowns replaced by new common field drop down
Transfer tab separator field can now include multiple line break shortcode
Changing target field on one tab no longer changes it for others
Replace tab can now search and replace all writable fields in one go
Workflow Filters - removed annoying only selected one photo message
Stack position changed to 1 of x with preference for legacy method
Transfer Source button replaced by new common field drop down
Transfer Source legacy button added to plugin preferences
Reset buttons added to own panel in Plugin Manager
IPTC locations to keywords updated with do-no-export at each level
Added This Photo button to search/append/transfer only for selected photo
Auto-completion of text in Search tab
Changed layout of Append tab
Added box for a space between text and sequential number on Append tab
Stopped workflow filters from creating Unknown state and city levels
Transfer to keywords rebuilt - more fields, top level group keyword
New ways to change case of field and added previewing
Replaced case change button with checkboxes
New checkbox to highlight new and reworked features
New checkbox shows summary of Before
Button to swap over search and replace fields
Moved iView tab into its own file and wrapped it in a function
When only one photo is selected, the annoying message has be replaced by buttons to select all.
Smart collection panel added
Trial mode warnings made more obvious
Information about separator character improved
Added ability to select the plugin's custom fields as target fields
Added ability to select any plugin's custom fields as source fields
Fixed bug affecting Favourites on Transfer tab
Added Switch button on Transfer tab which switches the source and target fields
Added change log in Plugin Manager
Added more logging, listing system and preferences
Tidied up the Workflow Filters tab and added some buttons from the floating dialog
Disabled main buttons on SR and A tabs when keywords selected as target field - misleading as plugin doesn't change these fields
Version 1.68, 29 March 2019
Text Before now adds replacement text before the found text
Version 1.65, 27 March 2019
Refresh Worflow Filters floating window now has buttons to set Library Filter columns
Fixes bug in Refresh Workflow Filters where target field is keywords
Version 1.64, 17 March 2019
Fixes bug affecting sequential numbers
Fixes bug in Refresh Workflow Filters in earlier versions of LR
Version 1.62, 5 March 2019
Workflow Filter added for collections
Workflow Filter added for the length in characters of the keywords that will be exported (some stock agencies limit the total characters)
Copying to keywords refined
Minor bug fixes
Version 1.59, 8 March 2018
Lots of minor updates and a few bug fixes
Version 1.49, 22nd November 2013
New: Copying from folder path to keywords now builds a keyword hierarchy that mirrors the folder path
New: Copying from caption to keywords now makes each word a keyword
New: Caption builder
Version 1.48, 22nd October 2013
Fixed bug affecting captions longer than 511 characters
Cosmetic improvements in parse and audit dialog box
Version 1.47, 17th October 2013
New: Insert line break between fields in Append and Transfer
New: Parse and Audit "is empty" feature now filters images by title, caption etc
New: Filter by any EXIF/IPTC/Develop with 5 extra parse and audit fields
Fixed bug in copying IPTC Extension geographical fields
Fixed bug in saving custom fields as favourites
Version 1.46, 24th July 2013
Fixed bug affecting Lr3 users
Version 1.45, 21st July 2013
New: On Transfer tab, you can now save combinations of fields as Favourites
New: Replace chanacters in a text string (eg 12 through 25")
New: When appending a sequence number, user can now set initial value
New: Lr5 fields available (smart previews, video)
New: Thumbnail of image shown (Lr4 or upwards)
New: Creation and modification date and times available
New: Search and replace for text in keyword names
User able to switch off translation of fields in plug-in's dialog boxes
Menus available when only video files are selected
Bug in parse and audit where field length greater than 512 characters
Bug fixed preventing previous tab being displayed upon startup
Version 1.44, 26th Apr 2013
Fixed IPTC to keywords bug in LR5
Fixed minor bug in Result window
Version 1.42, 11th Jan 2013
Fixed bug in Max Avail Dimensions button
Minor language change
Version 1.41, 8th Jan 2013
Introduced button to cycle through changing the case of the text
Removed Brute Force search for maintenance. Does anyone use it?
Further language changes
Version 1.40, 8th Jan 2013
Version 1.39, 30th July 2012
Fixed bug affecting saving the source field in Transfer tab
Version 1.38, 25th July 2012
Further minor tweak to IPTC Core to Keywords
Version 1.37, 16th July 2012
Fixed bug causing hang in IPTC Core to Keywords
Fixed bug causing incorrect creation of top level keyword in IPTC Core to Keywords
Version 1.35, 31st January 2012
If only one item selected, you are now prompted to add all other visible items
New commands to copy the filename to the title - with and without file extensions
Parse and Audit now adds columns in the Library filter panel listing all the values in the "copy from" and "copy to" fields - handy when you're checking what's in those fields
The keyword counter now goes much higher
Improved error reporting through log file
Corrected some translation errors
Search Replace Transfer dialog box opens at last-used tab
Fixed Lightroom 2 bug upon startup
Version 1.33, 18th September 2011
Language support
Bug in parse and audit
Version 1.32, 16th February 2010
Fixed Keywords to IPTC now supports a 5th level keyword