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Q: Will LR/Transporter work with Lightroom 3?
A: Yes.

Q: Is LR/Transporter comptatible with both PC and Mac?
A: Yes.

Q: How do I access the plugin?
A: Press Lightroom's "Export" button and then choose LR/Transporter from the top of the export dialog.

Q: Can I insert a token in the middle of my text?
A: Tokens are currently added to the end of the text, however you can then place them anywhere you like by copy and paste. The current plugin architecture doesn't allow me to directly insert text at the caret.

Q: Once I've donated do I have to donate again to get updates?
A: No, all future updates will be free.

This is a donationware product. To unlock the full functionality the author requests that you make a donation to support future development.

Payments may be made via Credit Card or PayPal, and are securely processed via our payment partner - Paddle.

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